March Fore Mulligans

What is March Fore Mulligans?

This is an opportunity for you to support our work with wounded, injured and sick Serving personnel and veterans via a 'good old walk'.

Since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic many of us have taken to walking as a means to keep fit whilst the majority of sports were inaccessible.

We are asking you to put all those miles to further use by completing a fundraising walk during the month of July - it's as simple as that. You can walk anywhere you like, for as far as you like and for as long as you like. You can make your walk golf themed (see our information sheet for some ideas) or use the various mountains and paths in the great British countryside or alternatively in your local area.

Del Sullivan broke his back whilst on tour in Afghanistan, shattering his spine. This resulted in his medical discharge and a long road to recovery. He credits a major part of his recovery to his involvement with On Course Foundation who re-introduced him to golf and assisted him into a career in the golf industry, now working as Golf Operations Manager at Barnham Broom Golf Club in Norwich.

He wanted to give back to the charity and embarked on an epic challenge of walking seven marathons in seven days, raising thousands of pounds for On Course Foundation. You can hear his full story on the above video.

Why should I March Fore Mulligans?

For those that are unfamiliar with the term 'mulligan', it is a golf-term used to give a golfer a second chance at hitting a shot (this is mostly used in social golf; it is not an official rule). At On Course Foundation we aim to give our beneficiaries a mulligan in life, by helping them to rebuild their lives after injury or illness - using golf as a vehicle to regain confidence and learn new skills, whilst supporting their physical and mental health.

  • The funds that you raise will go towards our nationwide programme of confidence building events - Find out more
  • It will also go towards helping our beneficiaries to find a new career in the golf industry via our Employment Pathway - Find out more.

Further information

Listed below are some resources that you can use when planning your walk and fundraising activity. These can be printed at home and displayed wherever you wish to promote your walk. For some of the resources we can add the details for you and send you a finished copy or you may just want to add the details yourself. Please click on the links below to find out more: